Appraisals for Estate Settlement by Omni Realty Advisors, Inc.

The task of settling an estate, while stressful is very important. As an executor you have been entrusted to carry out the wishes of the departed as quickly and exactly as possible. You can count on us to act quickly and with as much understanding to the feelings of everyone in bereavement.

We've made a name for ourselves in supplying the best appraisals that attorneys and accountants have come to rely on. Generally, everyone involved will have differing suggestions of how the appraisal process should work; however, our knowledge of the estate process will, without a doubt, satisfy all parties involved. We furnish appraisal reports that exceed the requirements of the courts and other agencies.

Contact us as soon as possible to discuss your exact estate appraisal needs and how we can put our knowledge to work for you.

Generally, settling an estate requires an clear appraisal report to ascertain fair market value for the property to the satisfaction of the parties involved. It's understandable that thinking about an appraisal is the farthest thought from your mind. Of course, it's imperative to comfort your loved ones first. Omni Realty Advisors, Inc. assures that our appraisers are familiar with the procedures and requirements needed by the IRS and MD revenue agencies to produce a retroactive appraisal with an effective date and fair market value estimate matching the date of death. The ethics provision explained within the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) attunes our appraisers to confidentiality, certifying the fullest degree of privacy for you and your loved ones.

All too often, people do not fully fathom the demand to have a comprehensive appraisal report prepared in support of the numbers displayed in tax documents filed with the IRS.

One of the most significant requirements in an appraisal report is an appraiser-supported opinion of value in a comprehensive explanation as to how the appraiser came to his conclusion. Such a report will certainly demonstrate to the IRS that the numbers used are well-founded and correct.

An executor will be ecstatic by a report by Omni Realty Advisors, Inc. which will show him solid facts and figures to cooperate with the IRS and MD state agencies' requirements. There's no need to have anything but peace of mind when getting a report from Omni Realty Advisors, Inc., because we will back it no matter what.

An accurate report showing the appraiser's opinion of value is important to back the methods the appraiser used to come to his conclusions.